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蔡 宜 均   TSAI YI CHUN

專事影像配樂作曲,為臺灣首位入選柏林影展新秀營(TALENTS, Berlin International Film Festival)的配樂作曲家,作品涵蓋劇情、紀錄、實驗與動畫,累計超過四十部配樂作品,並參與多部熱門廣告及電視劇配樂製作。其作品富有音樂性、畫面感強、風格細膩大膽、溫暖動人。

代表作品:公視與Netflix上架影集《你的婚姻不是你的婚姻-聖筊》、My Video上架電影《洞裡的月亮》、金馬五十週年經典紀錄片《我們的那時此刻》以及入圍金鐘多項大獎長片《阿水與國祥》;短片作品包含金馬最佳短片入圍《春分兄弟》、釜山短片影展最佳影片獲獎作品《紺珠之地》、金穗獎最佳劇情片入圍作品《春水奇譚》、《三仔》、《七歲那年的初次見面》、《盲人村》《夏日紀事》《海倫她媽》......等。​

Tsai Yi Chun is an active film composer from Taiwan.

In 2010, she became the first Taiwanese film composer selected for the Berlinale Talents Program at the Berlin International Film Festival. Tsai has composed scores for a wide range of films, including feature films, animations, experimental projects, and documentaries. Her work "Wishful Syncing" is currently available for streaming on Netflix.

She is now a freelance composer based in Taiwan and the founder of SunMoon Music.

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